How Can I Use My Fear?
What is possible right now?
What do I want to create?
Who are my allies?
Where are the gaps?
How can I go nonlinear?
What are the consequences?
What should I pay attention to?
What is good timing?
What creates the greatest benefit?
Is this what I really want to do?
What is the most useful next question?
Healing Emotional Fear
You can end your stress. If you are hungry, the obvious solution is to eat something. If you are restless, it pays to get up and walk around. Is stress different?
Along the way, it seems as though there is confusion about the best way to deal with the stress coming from from the projects you work on.
People may have told you, “Push through the stress and on the other side, everything will be okay.”
The theory is that if you get all the details right, get an A grade, get into a famous college, make the sale, polish the logo, do the pitch, be perfect, then… reassurance will follow.
The reassurance of success or even survival. The reassurance of external acclaim or simply relief.
Now that everything is okay, there is no need to be stressed!
Until the next time. Which might be tomorrow.
Reassurance is futile, because there is never enough of it.
Some folks manage to get their projects done without this sort of stress. They are not using the search for reassurance as fuel.
The solution to stress is not reassurance. It is an accurately understanding the world as it is, and making choices about what you do and how you do it.
But far more than that, you can relieve stress by making choices about the stories you tell yourself.
What is the difference between giving a speech to your dog and giving a speech on the TED stage?
It is the same speech.
The difference is in the story you tell yourself about the stakes, the opportunity and what might happen next. If that story gets debilitating enough, it can paralyze you.
If you are on a backpacking trip, there is little doubt that ten more minutes of tired to get to the next campsite is a smart investment. A little more tired translates into a lot more rest.
But if you are at work, there is not a lot of evidence that more stress is the best way to have less stress.
Look for the story instead.
Anxiety Is Emotional Fear
Anxiety another word for emotional fear. Anxiety is a 20-30-40% unconscious fear ongoingly experienced in your body.
Anxiety creates a 'ping-pong' sensation in the nervous system that exhausts all 5 bodies, and can create long term illnesses at the physical body level.
Many people who have anxiety think it is normal. They assume that this is the experience of being alive.
Therefore anxiety needs both Emotional Healing Processes (old decisions, memes, re-wiring fear, etc...) and practices to have the experience of being alive without that ongoing sensation.
A procedure to end anxiety is to start with the 3-3-3 Anger Practice. This establishes a safe space to experience and express loud feelings.
After 1.5 or 2 months of 3/3/3 Anger, add in a minute of consciously experiencing and expressing Fear for no reason. Go into as intense Fear as possible with no story attached, and then come down all the way to 0% fear.
Most people with anxiety in the beginning cannot go all the way down to zero. After 3-3-3 Anger plus Fear, you learn to go all the way back down to zero percent emotions. It is an amazingly relaxing and spacious set of sensations.
Worry Is Emotional Fear
Worry is not helpful except for being a long-term Gremlin Food.
Worry puts your Center out into the future or back onto the past where you have zero power. You cannot worry in a Minimized NOW.
Worry puts your Center into a vast HERE which you have insufficient energy to manage. You cannot worry in a Minimized HERE.
The act of Worrying is often twisted into a Survival Strategy so that if you are Worrying, people see that you 'care'. If you are Worrying, people see that you are 'trying hard'. Then you are safe.
Worrying also provides your Gremlin with a weapon to use on other people that is applied like this: "If you are not Worried as much as I am, you don't care! You don't care about what is happening! And you don't care about me!"
You can re-shape your Gremlin Feeding emotional Worry into the usefully attentive creation feeling of fear.
One Trainer shares about her Emotional Healing Process (EHP) regarding worry:
This process and the unfolding of it during the following days led me to realize that during childhood I had wired 'Caring' with 'Doing Something'. and I had also wired 'Caring' with 'Worrying'. Wiring up both of those Memetic Constructs makes me exhausted in my heart and my nervous system, because I have not learned how, and do not allow myself, to simply just Care without Worrying or Doing Something about it.
Last week, with by EHP Coaches, I recognized that by wiring Caring and Doing Something I was mixing together the emotions of Fear and Sadness from Caring, together with the emotion of Anger from Doing Something. I was able to un-wired the automatic link between Caring and Doing Something and I got this energy back.
I realized that my authentic Caring gives me intelligence and energy to create the Possibility of Possibility through building out new Gameworld space that people can inhabit. Then the Care is not focused on individual people changing - which could easily create expectations - but on creating real structures that people can enter and participate as steps along following their Life's Path.
I also felt the opening of a huge grieving process for me, grief that I had numbed or put aside for a few weeks: grief about people leaving an intimate gameworld with me, grief about the fish being killed in the ocean, grief about the trees being cut, grief about having disconnected ourselves from the world... After this process I could finally enter more Presence, and more fully participate in the Liquid State that I am in now.
Without Conscious Fear, Love Is Dead
From your Possibility Management Trainer Katharina Kaifler.
Touching The Jaguar with John Perkins and David Korten
John Perkins and David Korten - two old guys, meaning they have lived this long and are still lucid - discuss personal applications of how to 'touch the jaguar', a term that John encountered in his Ecuadorian shamanic training. From morning 'til night you face into choice after choice.
If the choice is to be authentic, then it needs to be real.
If the choice is to be real, then it needs to face your fear.
Your fear is the jaguar.
When the jaguar appears, the impulse is to run, hide, or deny its existence.
To turn towards the jaguar, to reach over and touch it, is to say, "Welcome fear, what do you have for me?"
Then write down what it says in your Beep! Book as fast and thoroughly as you can.
The people I see engaged in effective response have all faced into, sat with, chewed on, and stared down their fear. This does not mean they are no longer afraid. It means that they have confronted their fears and found themselves more than a match for them. It means they have found their power to respond even when afraid, which is the definition of courage.
They are still standing in the headlights, for there is no real place to hide, but they are not frozen. They are readying themselves for the blow, however and whenever it comes, responding, moment by moment, intuitively, rationally, non-rationally, and with heightened awareness. And they are getting prepared to play their parts in tossing that damned truck into the ditch."Bambi vs. The Collaspe of Civilization," from Tim Bennet
How To Use Conscious Fear
Conscious Fear is a source for Nonlinearity.
Conscious Fear is a source for Unreasonability.
Conscious Fear is a source of Creation, Attentiveness and precision.
Conscious fear is a source for Noticing and Scanning.
Conscious fear is detecting that somebody understands what you said so you can stop repeating yourself.
Conscious fear is knowing how much money to carry in your pocket and how much honey to put in your tea... so it is enough.
Conscious Fear is checking the price of the ticket you might buy.
Conscious Fear is looking into the Unknown, the dark places where new Possibility might show up.
Conscious Fear is for Navigating Space so you can look where there is no answer.
Conscious Fear Distinctions
by Fear Club Spaceholders and Fear Researchers
My friend Amy taught me that 'craven' doesn’t mean what I thought it meant.
I’ve been using the word 'craven' to mean, 'selfish in a particularly short-sighted way.'
It actually means 'fearful and gutless'.
But, exploring the thesaurus further, I discovered that 'craven' also means 'dastardly'.
I was sure that the cartoon character Snidely Whiplash was a dastardly villain. A dastardly deed must be something bad.
Nope. Dastardly means 'cowardly'.
But wait!
It turns out that it also means 'particularly selfish and evil'.
When someone is fearful enough, craven enough, they sometimes end up acting in unsocial, hurtful, and even dastardly ways.
While there are definitely some super villains among us,
it’s more likely we are simply dealing with someone
who feels like he is drowning.
"When in doubt, look for the fear," from Seth Godin
Experiments For Developing Your Conscious Fear
Matrix Code CONSFEAR.01
The book we are talking about is THIS ONE.
It turns out to be so valuable to read and experiment with a book like this in your Study Group, your Research Team, your 3Cell, even your Whole Permaculture Team.
When you (and your Team) have read this book, enter Matrix Code CONSFEAR.01 in your free account(s) at StartOver.xyz. This experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code CONSFEAR.02
Being scared all the time means jacking into an incredible resource and intelligence for navigating even seemingly trivial dimensions of relationship and life, with others and ourselves.
To build the ability to have access to this resource all the time, since in Modern Culture our Five Body System has been trained to ignore it, this experiment builds the muscle.
Starting with 20 seconds to one minute, 5 times each day, for the next week, put part of your attention onto noticing:
What am I afraid about RIGHT NOW?
You can work up to noticing a hundred times a day, ongoingly.
For example, when I am doing the dishes, I might notice:
I am afraid that my soapy hand I will let the dish go and it will break; I feel scared that if I turn the tap and the water gets too hot it might burn my hand; I am noticing I feel scared about taking too long doing the dishes, and missing my next appointment.
At least once a day for the week, write for at least 10 minutes in your Beep! Book about what you have been noticing.
After doing this for a week, and writing about it daily in your BEEP! Book, enter Matrix Code CONSFEAR.02 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CONSFEAR.03
Memorize the sentence, "I feel sacred because..."
For the next week, seven times a day, tell someone, "I feel scared because..."
Lower your Numbness Bar so you can notice your fear.
I feel scared because...
...the phone call I am expecting might come and my hands are covered in peanut butter;
...my neighbour asked me to shovel her sidewalk and I said no;
...the pesticides they spray on vegetables is toxic and gets into the waterways....
When the week is over, enter Matrix Code CONSFEAR.03 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CONSFEAR.04
In your Beep! Book, at the top of a fresh page, write "How I Avoid Feeling Fear in My Physical Body."
Then head a fresh page for each of your Bodies: Emotional, Energetic, Intellectual, Archetypal.
For each Body, list the ways that you numb your fear, and avoid being fearful.
For example,
I avoid feeling fear in my Physical body by tightening up my shoulders.
I avoid feeling fear in my Emotional body by looking away from people who scare me.
I avoid feeling fear in my Energetic body by leaving messes in my house, because cleaning them would increase the quality of the space.
I avoid feeling fear in my Archetypal body by saying no to impulses.
For the next week, keep noticing, and keep adding to each of the pages.
After a week, enter Matrix Code CONSFEAR.04 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CONSFEAR.05
For 3 days, 11 times a day, touch an object and say out loud three ways you are afraid about this object.
For example, beside me is my Beep! Book.
When I touched it I said
1. I feel scared about how sometimes I forget to write important things from my experiments in my Beep! Book.
2. I feel scared about how sometimes I don't have my Beep! Book handy when I want to write in it, and afraid that I might forget what I wanted to write about in it later.
3. I feel scared about how I waste time sometimes, trying to find something I have written about in my old Beep! Books.
After doing this 11 times a day for three days, enter Matrix Code CONSFEAR.05 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CONSFEAR.06
To do this experiment you will need to speak with three different people, one at a time. Do this either on your own or in a Possibility Team.
Ask the person if they will take notes while you speak out your fears about them for five minutes.
When a person says yes, you can give them your Beep! Book, or a notepad and pen, and set a timer.
Say, I feel scared about you, because... and speak until the timer goes off.
The other person just listens and takes notes. This is a journey of Radical Honesty and discovery. This is not an opportunity for revenge. You are making your fear conscious.
When you have done this with 3 people, compare the notes from each person. What fears are the same? What fears are different with each person? Notice the patterns.
When you have done this, enter Matrix Code CONSFEAR.06 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CONSFEAR.07
This experiment begins with becoming committed to being an experimenter.
For two days, bring an object, like a broken light bulb or a jagged stone, a screw driver or a really bad looking carrot.
Carry it in public in your hand.
Be afraid of your scary object by making up a story about why you are afraid of it.
Tell your story to other people, for example:
I am afraid of this rotten carrot because I thought it would get moldy and stain my hands.
I am afraid of this broken light bulb because I think people will think I am crazy to be carrying such a sharp thing around.
I am afraid of this jagged stone because it might cut into my hands.
When you have done this for two days, write in your Beep! Book for at least 10 minutes about how this went, then enter Matrix Code CONSFEAR.07 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CONSFEAR.08
Do this experiment for one full day, noticing what percentage fear you have about it in each moment.
For example, I have 44 % fear that my egg might break because there are kids around and they don't care about my egg.
I have 57% fear because my egg might roll off my desk and fall and break and it jumped up to 87% when someone came in the room who might bump my desk or ask me what I am doing with an egg on my desk.
(If anyone asks, let them know you have become an Experimenter).
When you have done this, enter Matrix Code CONSFEAR.08 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CONSFEAR.09
For the next week, 3-5 times a day, when you are in a room, stand or sit or lay in the place in the room, then move ten centimeters in whatever direction makes you feel less safe, where you feel the most fear.
When you have done this 3-5 times a day for a week, enter Matrix Code CONSFEAR.09 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CONSFEAR.10
Consider the consequences of all the times you did not use your fear.
For at least 30 minutes in your Beep! Book, write about things that happened in your life as a consequence of not using your fear.
When you didn't use your fear going into a relationship.
When you didn't use your fear about spending too much on something.
When you didn't use your fear about making a clear agreement.
When you didn't use your fear to change your mind.
At least twice more in the next three days, write for another 30 minutes about this.
After four days, enter Matrix Code CONSFEAR.10 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CONSFEAR.11
Share your notes from the previous 4 experiments with your 3Cell, or your Possibility Team, or with at least 3 other people.
Ask the team to help you notice the patterns of your fear.
Then write at least a page in your Beep! Book titled, "My Fear Patterns."
When you have done this, enter Matrix Code CONSFEAR.11 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
For extra credit, choose one of your patterns and ask a Possibility Coach for an Emotional Healing Process about it.
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play, massively-multiplayer, online-and-offline, thoughtware-upgrade, matrix-building, personal-transformation, adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. No one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code CONSFEAR.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!
A conversation about the conversation
creates the possibility of possibility.
And you never know where this new possibility might take you.
- Clinton Callahan